Random Forest

By Salerno | December 23, 2019

Random Forest

In this post we will explore some ideas around the Random Forest model


We are working on in the dataset called Boston Housing and the main idea here is regression task and we are concerned with modeling the price of houses in thousands of dollars in the Surburb of Boston.

So, we are dirting our hands in a regression predictive modeling problem.

The main goal here is to fit a regression model that best explains the variation in medv variable.


In terms of dataset, we are using a file from UCI and their content is related of Housing Values in Suburbs of Boston.

# to get the data
BHData <- read.table(url("https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/housing/housing.data"), sep = "")

For our study we are working on 506 rows (events) and 14 columns. One of them called medv is our target value - y or response variable.

# knowing the dimension of the data
## [1] 506  14

Set names of the dataset

# changing the variable's names
names(BHData)<- c("crim","zn","indus","chas","nox","rm",   

EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis)

Usually as a first task, we use some Exploratory Data Analysis to understand how the data is distributed and extract preliminary knowledge.

# structure
## 'data.frame':    506 obs. of  14 variables:
##  $ crim   : num  0.00632 0.02731 0.02729 0.03237 0.06905 ...
##  $ zn     : num  18 0 0 0 0 0 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 ...
##  $ indus  : num  2.31 7.07 7.07 2.18 2.18 2.18 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 ...
##  $ chas   : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ nox    : num  0.538 0.469 0.469 0.458 0.458 0.458 0.524 0.524 0.524 0.524 ...
##  $ rm     : num  6.58 6.42 7.18 7 7.15 ...
##  $ age    : num  65.2 78.9 61.1 45.8 54.2 58.7 66.6 96.1 100 85.9 ...
##  $ dis    : num  4.09 4.97 4.97 6.06 6.06 ...
##  $ rad    : int  1 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 ...
##  $ tax    : num  296 242 242 222 222 222 311 311 311 311 ...
##  $ ptratio: num  15.3 17.8 17.8 18.7 18.7 18.7 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 ...
##  $ black  : num  397 397 393 395 397 ...
##  $ lstat  : num  4.98 9.14 4.03 2.94 5.33 ...
##  $ medv   : num  24 21.6 34.7 33.4 36.2 28.7 22.9 27.1 16.5 18.9 ...

As you can see using the summary() function below, there are variables with different ranges. It is could badly impact the response variable if we have had a less numeric range between each of the predictors variables.

As we have to improve the predictive accuracy of our model we have not allowed that this large difference in the range of variables impact the accuracy of the predicting task upon the medv variable.

You will see the adequate treatment in the Pre-processing topic.

##       crim                zn             indus            chas        
##  Min.   : 0.00632   Min.   :  0.00   Min.   : 0.46   Min.   :0.00000  
##  1st Qu.: 0.08204   1st Qu.:  0.00   1st Qu.: 5.19   1st Qu.:0.00000  
##  Median : 0.25651   Median :  0.00   Median : 9.69   Median :0.00000  
##  Mean   : 3.61352   Mean   : 11.36   Mean   :11.14   Mean   :0.06917  
##  3rd Qu.: 3.67708   3rd Qu.: 12.50   3rd Qu.:18.10   3rd Qu.:0.00000  
##  Max.   :88.97620   Max.   :100.00   Max.   :27.74   Max.   :1.00000  
##       nox               rm             age              dis        
##  Min.   :0.3850   Min.   :3.561   Min.   :  2.90   Min.   : 1.130  
##  1st Qu.:0.4490   1st Qu.:5.886   1st Qu.: 45.02   1st Qu.: 2.100  
##  Median :0.5380   Median :6.208   Median : 77.50   Median : 3.207  
##  Mean   :0.5547   Mean   :6.285   Mean   : 68.57   Mean   : 3.795  
##  3rd Qu.:0.6240   3rd Qu.:6.623   3rd Qu.: 94.08   3rd Qu.: 5.188  
##  Max.   :0.8710   Max.   :8.780   Max.   :100.00   Max.   :12.127  
##       rad              tax           ptratio          black       
##  Min.   : 1.000   Min.   :187.0   Min.   :12.60   Min.   :  0.32  
##  1st Qu.: 4.000   1st Qu.:279.0   1st Qu.:17.40   1st Qu.:375.38  
##  Median : 5.000   Median :330.0   Median :19.05   Median :391.44  
##  Mean   : 9.549   Mean   :408.2   Mean   :18.46   Mean   :356.67  
##  3rd Qu.:24.000   3rd Qu.:666.0   3rd Qu.:20.20   3rd Qu.:396.23  
##  Max.   :24.000   Max.   :711.0   Max.   :22.00   Max.   :396.90  
##      lstat            medv      
##  Min.   : 1.73   Min.   : 5.00  
##  1st Qu.: 6.95   1st Qu.:17.02  
##  Median :11.36   Median :21.20  
##  Mean   :12.65   Mean   :22.53  
##  3rd Qu.:16.95   3rd Qu.:25.00  
##  Max.   :37.97   Max.   :50.00


Remove outliers

#cut-off values are given by the formal definition of an outlier: 
#Q3 + 1.5*IQR
upper_cut_off1 <- (quantile(BHData$crim, 0.75)) + (IQR(BHData$crim))*1.5
##      75% 
## 9.069639

upper_cut_off2 <- (quantile(BHData$zn, 0.75)) + (IQR(BHData$zn))*1.5
##   75% 
## 31.25

upper_cut_off3 <- (quantile(BHData$indus, 0.75)) + (IQR(BHData$indus))*1.5
##    75% 
## 37.465

upper_cut_off4 <- (quantile(BHData$chas, 0.75)) + (IQR(BHData$chas))*1.5
## 75% 
##   0

Feature Scaling

It is an important step called featured scaling to get all the data scaled in the range [0,1]. This method has chosen can be called as well as normalization.

# calculating the maximun in each column
max_data <- apply(BHData, 2, max)
# calculating the minimun in each column
min_data <- apply(BHData, 2, min)
# applying the normalization
BHDataScaled <- as.data.frame(scale(BHData,center = min_data, 
  scale = max_data - min_data))

To confirm normalization process:

##       crim                 zn             indus             chas        
##  Min.   :0.0000000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.00000  
##  1st Qu.:0.0008511   1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:0.1734   1st Qu.:0.00000  
##  Median :0.0028121   Median :0.0000   Median :0.3383   Median :0.00000  
##  Mean   :0.0405441   Mean   :0.1136   Mean   :0.3914   Mean   :0.06917  
##  3rd Qu.:0.0412585   3rd Qu.:0.1250   3rd Qu.:0.6466   3rd Qu.:0.00000  
##  Max.   :1.0000000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.00000  
##       nox               rm              age              dis         
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.00000  
##  1st Qu.:0.1317   1st Qu.:0.4454   1st Qu.:0.4338   1st Qu.:0.08826  
##  Median :0.3148   Median :0.5073   Median :0.7683   Median :0.18895  
##  Mean   :0.3492   Mean   :0.5219   Mean   :0.6764   Mean   :0.24238  
##  3rd Qu.:0.4918   3rd Qu.:0.5868   3rd Qu.:0.9390   3rd Qu.:0.36909  
##  Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.00000  
##       rad              tax            ptratio           black       
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000  
##  1st Qu.:0.1304   1st Qu.:0.1756   1st Qu.:0.5106   1st Qu.:0.9457  
##  Median :0.1739   Median :0.2729   Median :0.6862   Median :0.9862  
##  Mean   :0.3717   Mean   :0.4222   Mean   :0.6229   Mean   :0.8986  
##  3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:0.9141   3rd Qu.:0.8085   3rd Qu.:0.9983  
##  Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000  
##      lstat             medv       
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000  
##  1st Qu.:0.1440   1st Qu.:0.2672  
##  Median :0.2657   Median :0.3600  
##  Mean   :0.3014   Mean   :0.3896  
##  3rd Qu.:0.4201   3rd Qu.:0.4444  
##  Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000

According with the graph above there some som variables with outliers. But the crim predictor variable has the largest number os outliers.

## corrplot 0.84 loaded

corrplot(CorBHData, method = "pie",type="lower")

Multiple Linear Model Fitting

## Call:
## lm(formula = medv ~ ., data = BHDataScaled)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -0.34654 -0.06066 -0.01151  0.03949  0.58221 
## Coefficients:
##              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)  0.480450   0.052843   9.092  < 2e-16 ***
## crim        -0.213550   0.064978  -3.287 0.001087 ** 
## zn           0.103157   0.030505   3.382 0.000778 ***
## indus        0.012463   0.037280   0.334 0.738288    
## chas         0.059705   0.019146   3.118 0.001925 ** 
## nox         -0.191879   0.041253  -4.651 4.25e-06 ***
## rm           0.441860   0.048470   9.116  < 2e-16 ***
## age          0.001494   0.028504   0.052 0.958229    
## dis         -0.360592   0.048742  -7.398 6.01e-13 ***
## rad          0.156425   0.033910   4.613 5.07e-06 ***
## tax         -0.143629   0.043789  -3.280 0.001112 ** 
## ptratio     -0.199018   0.027328  -7.283 1.31e-12 ***
## black        0.082063   0.023671   3.467 0.000573 ***
## lstat       -0.422605   0.040843 -10.347  < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.1055 on 492 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.7406, Adjusted R-squared:  0.7338 
## F-statistic: 108.1 on 13 and 492 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
Pred1 <- predict(LModel1)
mse1 <- mean((BHDataScaled$medv - Pred1)^2)
## [1] 0.01081226


Random Forest Regression Model

## randomForest 4.6-14
## Type rfNews() to see new features/changes/bug fixes.
RFModel=randomForest(medv ~ . , data = BHDataScaled)
## Call:
##  randomForest(formula = medv ~ ., data = BHDataScaled) 
##                Type of random forest: regression
##                      Number of trees: 500
## No. of variables tried at each split: 4
##           Mean of squared residuals: 0.00476609
##                     % Var explained: 88.57
##                 Length Class  Mode     
## call              3    -none- call     
## type              1    -none- character
## predicted       506    -none- numeric  
## mse             500    -none- numeric  
## rsq             500    -none- numeric  
## oob.times       506    -none- numeric  
## importance       13    -none- numeric  
## importanceSD      0    -none- NULL     
## localImportance   0    -none- NULL     
## proximity         0    -none- NULL     
## ntree             1    -none- numeric  
## mtry              1    -none- numeric  
## forest           11    -none- list     
## coefs             0    -none- NULL     
## y               506    -none- numeric  
## test              0    -none- NULL     
## inbag             0    -none- NULL     
## terms             3    terms  call

VarImp<-as.matrix(VarImp[order(VarImp[,1], decreasing = TRUE),])
##              [,1]
## lstat   6.0574021
## rm      5.7940364
## indus   1.4530514
## nox     1.3531538
## ptratio 1.3171112
## dis     1.2957303
## crim    1.2250947
## tax     0.7204445
## age     0.5578364
## black   0.3748653
## zn      0.1662593
## rad     0.1450710
## chas    0.1365377

Pred2 <- predict(RFModel)

Robust Linear Regression Model


LModel2 <- rlm(BHDataScaled$medv ~ ., data = BHDataScaled, psi = psi.hampel, init = "lts")
## Call:
## rlm(formula = BHDataScaled$medv ~ ., data = BHDataScaled, psi = psi.hampel, 
##     init = "lts")
## Converged in 10 iterations
## Coefficients:
##  (Intercept)         crim           zn        indus         chas          nox 
##  0.285874828 -0.192440257  0.069292252  0.003634696  0.029497415 -0.109020365 
##           rm          age          dis          rad          tax      ptratio 
##  0.680775604 -0.069407410 -0.275014795  0.093236680 -0.145930494 -0.174170551 
##        black        lstat 
##  0.095984860 -0.216404818 
## Degrees of freedom: 506 total; 492 residual
## Scale estimate: 0.0708
## Call: rlm(formula = BHDataScaled$medv ~ ., data = BHDataScaled, psi = psi.hampel, 
##     init = "lts")
## Residuals:
##       Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max 
## -0.347670 -0.046918 -0.009419  0.048950  0.767535 
## Coefficients:
##             Value   Std. Error t value
## (Intercept)  0.2859  0.0408     7.0063
## crim        -0.1924  0.0502    -3.8356
## zn           0.0693  0.0236     2.9418
## indus        0.0036  0.0288     0.1263
## chas         0.0295  0.0148     1.9953
## nox         -0.1090  0.0319    -3.4226
## rm           0.6808  0.0374    18.1900
## age         -0.0694  0.0220    -3.1536
## dis         -0.2750  0.0376    -7.3073
## rad          0.0932  0.0262     3.5609
## tax         -0.1459  0.0338    -4.3160
## ptratio     -0.1742  0.0211    -8.2540
## black        0.0960  0.0183     5.2515
## lstat       -0.2164  0.0315    -6.8621
## Residual standard error: 0.07084 on 492 degrees of freedom
LM1Coef <- coef(LModel1)

LM2Coef <- coef(LModel2)
plot(BHDataScaled$medv, BHDataScaled$lstat)

plot(BHDataScaled$medv, BHDataScaled$lstat)


##  [1] 0.1519152 0.1036978 0.1247813 0.2078443 0.2203305 0.1717624 0.1103426
##  [8] 0.2657290 0.2007464 1.0000000 0.1783534 0.1031889 0.2256784 0.1888895
## [15] 0.2741094 0.2539149 0.1610363 0.1300618 0.1500899 0.4309939 0.1113886
## [22] 0.2814411 0.1599404 0.1077824 0.2786941 0.4667072 0.7633424 0.2327741
## [29] 0.1342564 0.1622120 0.5746830 0.1578554 0.2113601 0.3220132 0.5141041
## [36] 0.2031955 0.1217028 0.2914951 0.8264345 0.1326964 0.1245487 0.1353478
## [43] 0.1781949 0.1375845 0.4232396 0.1048958 0.1130268 0.1563122 0.1253692
## [50] 0.1620153 0.1705170 0.1536675 0.1054774 0.2477780 0.1092264 0.1119505
## [57] 0.1438237 0.1198774 0.1114819 0.1047857 0.1068599 0.1749961 0.1468899
## [64] 0.1687884 0.1149454 0.1610363
outliers <- boxplot(BHDataScaled$crim, plot=FALSE)$out
##  [1] 0.1519152 0.1036978 0.1247813 0.2078443 0.2203305 0.1717624 0.1103426
##  [8] 0.2657290 0.2007464 1.0000000 0.1783534 0.1031889 0.2256784 0.1888895
## [15] 0.2741094 0.2539149 0.1610363 0.1300618 0.1500899 0.4309939 0.1113886
## [22] 0.2814411 0.1599404 0.1077824 0.2786941 0.4667072 0.7633424 0.2327741
## [29] 0.1342564 0.1622120 0.5746830 0.1578554 0.2113601 0.3220132 0.5141041
## [36] 0.2031955 0.1217028 0.2914951 0.8264345 0.1326964 0.1245487 0.1353478
## [43] 0.1781949 0.1375845 0.4232396 0.1048958 0.1130268 0.1563122 0.1253692
## [50] 0.1620153 0.1705170 0.1536675 0.1054774 0.2477780 0.1092264 0.1119505
## [57] 0.1438237 0.1198774 0.1114819 0.1047857 0.1068599 0.1749961 0.1468899
## [64] 0.1687884 0.1149454 0.1610363
BHDataScaled[which(BHDataScaled$crim %in% outliers),]
##          crim zn     indus chas       nox         rm       age          dis rad
## 368 0.1519152  0 0.6466276    0 0.5061728 0.05786549 1.0000000 0.0346461275   1
## 372 0.1036978  0 0.6466276    0 0.5061728 0.50871815 1.0000000 0.0035919214   1
## 374 0.1247813  0 0.6466276    0 0.5823045 0.25771221 1.0000000 0.0040556884   1
## 375 0.2078443  0 0.6466276    0 0.5823045 0.11055758 1.0000000 0.0006729169   1
## 376 0.2203305  0 0.6466276    0 0.5884774 0.71891167 0.9783728 0.0169775118   1
## 377 0.1717624  0 0.6466276    0 0.5884774 0.59168423 0.9309990 0.0195782448   1
## 378 0.1103426  0 0.6466276    0 0.5884774 0.61946733 0.9876416 0.0207694896   1
## 379 0.2657290  0 0.6466276    0 0.5884774 0.54014179 0.9608651 0.0233247552   1
## 380 0.2007464  0 0.6466276    0 0.5884774 0.51005940 1.0000000 0.0233247552   1
## 381 1.0000000  0 0.6466276    0 0.5884774 0.65280705 0.9165808 0.0260891706   1
## 382 0.1783534  0 0.6466276    0 0.5884774 0.57175704 0.9907312 0.0354281661   1
## 383 0.1031889  0 0.6466276    0 0.6481481 0.37842499 1.0000000 0.0409933709   1
## 385 0.2256784  0 0.6466276    0 0.6481481 0.15462732 0.9093718 0.0281806691   1
## 386 0.1888895  0 0.6466276    0 0.6481481 0.32879862 0.9804325 0.0269621439   1
## 387 0.2741094  0 0.6466276    0 0.6481481 0.20904388 1.0000000 0.0306995608   1
## 388 0.2539149  0 0.6466276    0 0.6481481 0.27572332 0.8918641 0.0353554183   1
## 389 0.1610363  0 0.6466276    0 0.6481481 0.25273041 1.0000000 0.0418208768   1
## 393 0.1300618  0 0.6466276    0 0.6481481 0.28262119 0.9691040 0.0582345934   1
## 395 0.1500899  0 0.6466276    0 0.6337449 0.44567925 0.9454171 0.0593349035   1
## 399 0.4309939  0 0.6466276    0 0.6337449 0.36252156 1.0000000 0.0327364985   1
## 400 0.1113886  0 0.6466276    0 0.6337449 0.43897298 0.7713697 0.0337185934   1
## 401 0.2814411  0 0.6466276    0 0.6337449 0.46484001 1.0000000 0.0417572225   1
## 402 0.1599404  0 0.6466276    0 0.6337449 0.53305231 1.0000000 0.0404204821   1
## 403 0.1077824  0 0.6466276    0 0.6337449 0.54474037 1.0000000 0.0463221453   1
## 404 0.2786941  0 0.6466276    0 0.6337449 0.34259437 0.9588054 0.0521237803   1
## 405 0.4667072  0 0.6466276    0 0.6337449 0.37746695 0.8496395 0.0434486082   1
## 406 0.7633424  0 0.6466276    0 0.6337449 0.40659130 1.0000000 0.0268984896   1
## 407 0.2327741  0 0.6466276    0 0.5637860 0.11055758 1.0000000 0.0044103338   1
## 408 0.1342564  0 0.6466276    0 0.5637860 0.39222073 1.0000000 0.0141494421   1
## 410 0.1622120  0 0.6466276    0 0.4362140 0.63058057 1.0000000 0.0305449718   1
## 411 0.5746830  0 0.6466276    0 0.4362140 0.42077026 1.0000000 0.0257708991   1
## 412 0.1578554  0 0.6466276    0 0.4362140 0.59321709 1.0000000 0.0361829243   1
## 413 0.2113601  0 0.6466276    0 0.4362140 0.20444530 1.0000000 0.0385836008   1
## 414 0.3220132  0 0.6466276    0 0.4362140 0.30542249 1.0000000 0.0418117833   1
## 415 0.5141041  0 0.6466276    0 0.6337449 0.18356007 1.0000000 0.0480680919   1
## 416 0.2031955  0 0.6466276    0 0.6049383 0.55048860 1.0000000 0.0641180696   1
## 417 0.1217028  0 0.6466276    0 0.6049383 0.61716804 0.9052523 0.0627358619   1
## 418 0.2914951  0 0.6466276    0 0.6049383 0.33397203 0.8877446 0.0470950904   1
## 419 0.8264345  0 0.6466276    0 0.6049383 0.45909178 1.0000000 0.0611990652   1
## 420 0.1326964  0 0.6466276    0 0.6851852 0.62521556 0.7579815 0.0604170266   1
## 421 0.1245487  0 0.6466276    0 0.6851852 0.54608162 1.0000000 0.0663186898   1
## 423 0.1353478  0 0.6466276    0 0.4711934 0.39988504 0.8722966 0.0747119643   1
## 426 0.1781949  0 0.6466276    0 0.6049383 0.44740372 0.9526262 0.0709290800   1
## 427 0.1375845  0 0.6466276    0 0.4094650 0.43609887 0.5849640 0.0789313352   1
## 428 0.4232396  0 0.6466276    0 0.6049383 0.50603564 0.7806385 0.0666824287   1
## 430 0.1048958  0 0.6466276    0 0.6049383 0.54014179 0.9546859 0.0762578545   1
## 432 0.1130268  0 0.6466276    0 0.4094650 0.62694003 0.9412976 0.0871700206   1
## 435 0.1563122  0 0.6466276    0 0.6748971 0.50718528 0.9485067 0.0993552728   1
## 436 0.1253692  0 0.6466276    0 0.7304527 0.58785208 0.9443872 0.0904891378   1
## 437 0.1620153  0 0.6466276    0 0.7304527 0.55566200 0.9309990 0.0793860088   1
## 438 0.1705170  0 0.6466276    0 0.7304527 0.49645526 1.0000000 0.0713473797   1
## 439 0.1536675  0 0.6466276    0 0.7304527 0.45487641 0.8753862 0.0628358901   1
## 440 0.1054774  0 0.6466276    0 0.7304527 0.39586128 0.9371782 0.0625267121   1
## 441 0.2477780  0 0.6466276    0 0.7304527 0.43245833 0.9217302 0.0669825133   1
## 442 0.1092264  0 0.6466276    0 0.7304527 0.54512359 0.9711637 0.0850694287   1
## 444 0.1119505  0 0.6466276    0 0.7304527 0.56026059 1.0000000 0.0771853886   1
## 445 0.1438237  0 0.6466276    0 0.7304527 0.43935620 0.9649846 0.0696559940   1
## 446 0.1198774  0 0.6466276    0 0.7304527 0.55527879 0.9464470 0.0780492684   1
## 448 0.1114819  0 0.6466276    0 0.7304527 0.51542441 0.9649846 0.0971546527   1
## 449 0.1047857  0 0.6466276    0 0.6748971 0.50277831 0.9866117 0.1029381007   1
## 455 0.1068599  0 0.6466276    0 0.6748971 0.60682123 0.9392379 0.1242622921   1
## 469 0.1749961  0 0.6466276    0 0.4012346 0.45315194 0.7013388 0.1617546763   1
## 470 0.1468899  0 0.6466276    0 0.4012346 0.41233953 0.5540680 0.1540525057   1
## 478 0.1687884  0 0.6466276    0 0.4711934 0.33397203 0.9721936 0.0883067046   1
## 479 0.1149454  0 0.6466276    0 0.4711934 0.50277831 0.9660144 0.0946539479   1
## 480 0.1610363  0 0.6466276    0 0.4711934 0.51120904 0.8764161 0.0747119643   1
##           tax   ptratio       black     lstat       medv
## 368 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.330576428 0.3200883 0.40222222
## 372 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.922462051 0.2152318 1.00000000
## 374 0.9141221 0.8085106 1.000000000 0.9116998 0.19555556
## 375 0.9141221 0.8085106 1.000000000 1.0000000 0.19555556
## 376 0.9141221 0.8085106 1.000000000 0.3231236 0.22222222
## 377 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.914569570 0.5935430 0.19777778
## 378 0.9141221 0.8085106 1.000000000 0.5383554 0.18444444
## 379 0.9141221 0.8085106 1.000000000 0.6059603 0.18000000
## 380 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.992031873 0.5532561 0.11555556
## 381 0.9141221 0.8085106 1.000000000 0.4271523 0.12000000
## 382 0.9141221 0.8085106 1.000000000 0.5339404 0.13111111
## 383 0.9141221 0.8085106 1.000000000 0.6034768 0.14000000
## 385 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.719930405 0.7974614 0.08444444
## 386 0.9141221 0.8085106 1.000000000 0.8024283 0.04888889
## 387 0.9141221 0.8085106 1.000000000 0.7326159 0.12222222
## 388 0.9141221 0.8085106 1.000000000 0.8349890 0.05333333
## 389 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.939533007 0.7971854 0.11555556
## 393 0.9141221 0.8085106 1.000000000 0.6608720 0.10444444
## 395 0.9141221 0.8085106 1.000000000 0.4034216 0.17111111
## 399 0.9141221 0.8085106 1.000000000 0.7963576 0.00000000
## 400 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.851883605 0.7792494 0.02888889
## 401 0.9141221 0.8085106 1.000000000 0.6909492 0.01333333
## 402 0.9141221 0.8085106 1.000000000 0.5129691 0.04888889
## 403 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.947576781 0.5126932 0.15777778
## 404 0.9141221 0.8085106 1.000000000 0.4977925 0.07333333
## 405 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.829946039 0.7077815 0.07777778
## 406 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.969917797 0.5863687 0.00000000
## 407 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.932724797 0.5963024 0.15333333
## 408 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.836577740 0.2869757 0.50888889
## 410 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.451459983 0.4980684 0.50000000
## 411 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.005749155 0.2312362 0.22222222
## 412 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.087573756 0.5378035 0.27111111
## 413 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.071788794 0.9006623 0.28666667
## 414 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.531166473 0.5063466 0.25111111
## 415 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.221771143 0.9726821 0.04444444
## 416 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.067905593 0.7538631 0.04888889
## 417 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.053583136 0.6639073 0.05555556
## 418 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.320338898 0.6873620 0.12000000
## 419 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.040672752 0.5212472 0.08444444
## 420 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.121362651 0.5797461 0.07555556
## 421 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.802940138 0.3667219 0.26000000
## 423 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.734353724 0.3413355 0.35111111
## 426 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.018558677 0.6252759 0.07333333
## 427 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.061349539 0.3852097 0.11555556
## 428 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.046648848 0.3529249 0.13111111
## 430 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.152302184 0.6167219 0.10000000
## 432 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.204271522 0.4955850 0.20222222
## 435 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.252937617 0.3708609 0.14888889
## 436 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.276186394 0.5943709 0.18666667
## 437 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.068510767 0.4503311 0.10222222
## 438 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.022694034 0.6821192 0.08222222
## 439 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.173054617 0.8910044 0.07555556
## 440 0.9141221 0.8085106 1.000000000 0.5836093 0.17333333
## 441 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.986257502 0.5623620 0.12222222
## 442 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.972414141 0.4908940 0.26888889
## 444 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.974355742 0.4724062 0.23111111
## 445 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.605678552 0.6087196 0.12888889
## 446 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.107771446 0.6139625 0.15111111
## 448 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.978869333 0.4059051 0.16888889
## 449 0.9141221 0.8085106 1.000000000 0.4525386 0.20222222
## 455 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.016037117 0.4685430 0.22000000
## 469 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.928992889 0.4525386 0.31333333
## 470 0.9141221 0.8085106 1.000000000 0.3595475 0.33555556
## 478 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.880427656 0.6396247 0.15555556
## 479 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.956629179 0.4497792 0.21333333
## 480 0.9141221 0.8085106 0.965757224 0.3140177 0.36444444

remove_outliers <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE, ...) {
  qnt <- quantile(x, probs=c(.25, .75), na.rm = na.rm, ...)
  H <- 1.5 * IQR(x, na.rm = na.rm)
  y <- x
  y[x < (qnt[1] - H)] <- NA
  y[x > (qnt[2] + H)] <- NA
##   [1] 0.000000e+00 2.359225e-04 2.356977e-04 2.927957e-04 7.050701e-04
##   [6] 2.644715e-04 9.213230e-04 1.553672e-03 2.303251e-03 1.840173e-03
##  [11] 2.456674e-03 1.249299e-03 9.830293e-04 7.007315e-03 7.099481e-03
##  [16] 6.980677e-03 1.177488e-02 8.743184e-03 8.951232e-03 8.086782e-03
##  [21] 1.399878e-02 9.505689e-03 1.378163e-02 1.103868e-02 8.361706e-03
##  [26] 9.376432e-03 7.481071e-03 1.067159e-02 8.617186e-03 1.119626e-02
##  [31] 1.263900e-02 1.515569e-02 1.552964e-02 1.287402e-02 1.805667e-02
##  [36] 6.502201e-04 1.024167e-03 8.297190e-04 1.896485e-03 2.395193e-04
##  [41] 3.065082e-04 1.361360e-03 1.519391e-03 1.720133e-03 1.307971e-03
##  [46] 1.855684e-03 2.046086e-03 2.505904e-03 2.782402e-03 2.399127e-03
##  [51] 9.262685e-04 4.164331e-04 5.314158e-04 4.888171e-04 8.182544e-05
##  [56] 7.631796e-05 1.599418e-04 8.991807e-05 1.664945e-03 1.089807e-03
##  [61] 1.607286e-03 1.858944e-03 1.168373e-03 1.350794e-03 1.482524e-04
##  [66] 3.317977e-04 4.211538e-04 5.796344e-04 1.452402e-03 1.369452e-03
##  [71] 9.209858e-04 1.713389e-03 9.589762e-04 2.125101e-03 8.164561e-04
##  [76] 9.980906e-04 1.070137e-03 9.076105e-04 5.635615e-04 8.716433e-04
##  [81] 3.912560e-04 4.304828e-04 3.402275e-04 3.280886e-04 4.975841e-04
##  [86] 5.735649e-04 5.120834e-04 7.327199e-04 5.651351e-04 5.248967e-04
##  [91] 4.554350e-04 3.709120e-04 4.013718e-04 2.521078e-04 4.116000e-04
##  [96] 1.300665e-03 1.221987e-03 1.287065e-03 8.491638e-04 7.000122e-04
## [101] 1.599867e-03 1.213894e-03 2.500172e-03 2.307410e-03 1.498035e-03
## [106] 1.419582e-03 1.853211e-03 1.403284e-03 1.367879e-03 2.892102e-03
## [111] 1.142072e-03 1.062382e-03 1.314715e-03 2.425540e-03 1.528495e-03
## [116] 1.854785e-03 1.407892e-03 1.625944e-03 1.396652e-03 1.556032e-03
## [121] 7.043957e-04 7.342934e-04 9.741499e-04 1.619200e-03 1.035969e-03
## [126] 1.828709e-03 4.282685e-03 2.841748e-03 3.586719e-03 9.834002e-03
## [131] 3.751157e-03 1.333732e-02 6.560984e-03 3.636062e-03 1.090088e-02
## [136] 6.198277e-03 3.555361e-03 3.889069e-03 2.736656e-03 6.049238e-03
## [141] 3.198611e-03 1.823449e-02 3.725677e-02 4.598275e-02 3.117257e-02
## [146] 2.667217e-02 2.415121e-02 2.655168e-02 2.612873e-02 3.065813e-02
## [151] 1.854875e-02 1.674724e-02 1.259145e-02 2.408523e-02 1.582030e-02
## [156] 3.966162e-02 2.742906e-02 1.368171e-02 1.502216e-02 1.594585e-02
## [161] 1.424235e-02 1.637678e-02 2.054010e-02 1.700238e-02 2.513255e-02
## [166] 3.279402e-02 2.252302e-02 2.016368e-02 2.578491e-02 2.746109e-02
## [171] 1.350007e-02 2.593664e-02 1.492865e-03 9.605498e-04 8.783872e-04
## [176] 6.779823e-04 7.182206e-04 5.387216e-04 6.755095e-04 5.786228e-04
## [181] 6.694400e-04 7.031593e-04 9.521200e-04 1.053840e-03 8.627639e-04
## [186] 6.086329e-04 5.586160e-04 8.140957e-04 1.342814e-03 8.697325e-04
## [191] 9.481861e-04 7.057445e-04 9.027774e-04 1.747783e-04 9.070485e-05
## [196] 8.418579e-05 3.797915e-04 4.534119e-04 3.524788e-04 2.830171e-04
## [201] 1.288076e-04 3.161744e-04 1.736543e-04 3.234803e-04 1.547715e-04
## [206] 1.462293e-03 2.510625e-03 2.761272e-03 1.456111e-03 4.826240e-03
## [211] 1.889853e-03 4.152641e-03 2.370128e-03 1.508376e-03 3.183437e-03
## [216] 2.154662e-03 4.414977e-04 7.172090e-04 1.173094e-03 1.213107e-03
## [221] 3.953810e-03 4.511527e-03 6.937629e-03 6.838045e-03 3.473198e-03
## [226] 5.851531e-03 4.224126e-03 4.564016e-03 3.280548e-03 4.894465e-03
## [231] 5.964715e-03 5.132524e-03 6.395086e-03 3.654608e-03 4.963365e-03
## [236] 3.643143e-03 5.780158e-03 5.681811e-03 8.555704e-04 9.688672e-04
## [241] 1.202317e-03 1.121728e-03 1.085536e-03 1.362821e-03 2.245254e-03
## [246] 2.079468e-03 3.748572e-03 2.138364e-03 1.776669e-03 2.072724e-03
## [251] 1.505903e-03 2.335285e-03 8.529853e-04 4.075761e-03 4.706087e-04
## [256] 3.277514e-04 1.018322e-04 6.802527e-03 7.386657e-03 7.309552e-03
## [261] 5.999671e-03 5.932345e-03 5.775213e-03 9.204688e-03 6.111619e-03
## [266] 8.489390e-03 8.760043e-03 6.429367e-03 6.004054e-03 9.478489e-04
## [271] 3.291451e-03 1.751042e-03 1.217041e-03 2.422842e-03 5.633367e-04
## [276] 1.008431e-03 1.105655e-03 6.176248e-04 8.256727e-04 2.293585e-03
## [281] 3.311233e-04 3.453978e-04 6.178495e-04 9.767350e-05 3.079694e-05
## [286] 5.215248e-05 1.498260e-04 3.640558e-04 4.448697e-04 4.119372e-04
## [291] 3.225811e-04 8.153321e-04 3.352820e-04 8.579308e-04 8.505126e-04
## [296] 1.382490e-03 5.327646e-04 1.514108e-03 6.557275e-04 5.540077e-04
## [301] 4.254249e-04 3.265150e-04 9.704408e-04 1.052941e-03 5.488374e-04
## [306] 5.447911e-04 7.722838e-04 4.833096e-04 5.469941e-03 3.856136e-03
## [311] 2.955112e-02 8.812983e-03 2.870297e-03 2.956731e-03 4.078684e-03
## [316] 2.778918e-03 3.506243e-03 2.685178e-03 4.447573e-03 5.273133e-03
## [321] 1.812748e-03 1.969993e-03 3.875694e-03 3.120157e-03 3.762734e-03
## [326] 2.085425e-03 3.339894e-03 2.638084e-03 6.726996e-04 6.847261e-04
## [331] 4.396994e-04 4.935378e-04 3.185348e-04 5.002817e-04 3.491069e-04
## [336] 3.741716e-04 3.141513e-04 2.707658e-04 3.005512e-04 5.468143e-04
## [341] 6.203223e-04 7.519399e-05 2.097339e-04 2.147918e-04 2.716650e-04
## [346] 2.788584e-04 6.215587e-04 1.391482e-04 9.767350e-05 2.548053e-04
## [351] 6.270661e-04 8.225256e-04 7.431729e-04 1.210522e-04 4.123868e-04
## [356] 1.127011e-03 1.008953e-01 4.319866e-02 5.839561e-02 4.782506e-02
## [361] 5.097905e-02 4.305412e-02 4.127127e-02 4.738761e-02 3.897903e-02
## [366] 5.113585e-02 4.148179e-02           NA 5.498378e-02 6.365817e-02
## [371] 7.342305e-02           NA 9.285086e-02           NA           NA
## [376]           NA           NA           NA           NA           NA
## [381]           NA           NA           NA 8.976251e-02           NA
## [386]           NA           NA           NA           NA 9.155256e-02
## [391] 7.818185e-02 5.942157e-02           NA 9.709398e-02           NA
## [396] 9.790313e-02 6.592939e-02 8.616062e-02           NA           NA
## [401]           NA           NA           NA           NA           NA
## [406]           NA           NA           NA 8.314690e-02           NA
## [411]           NA           NA           NA           NA           NA
## [416]           NA           NA           NA           NA           NA
## [421]           NA 7.886118e-02           NA 7.917399e-02 9.875027e-02
## [426]           NA           NA           NA 8.273350e-02           NA
## [431] 9.537846e-02           NA 7.235853e-02 6.265885e-02           NA
## [436]           NA           NA           NA           NA           NA
## [441]           NA           NA 6.361760e-02           NA           NA
## [446]           NA 7.060536e-02           NA           NA 8.451950e-02
## [451] 7.543452e-02 6.108607e-02 5.714125e-02 9.263551e-02           NA
## [456] 5.334446e-02 5.240549e-02 9.210151e-02 8.706216e-02 7.637248e-02
## [461] 5.401615e-02 4.143863e-02 7.472866e-02 6.535729e-02 8.804103e-02
## [466] 3.548707e-02 4.235883e-02 4.963433e-02           NA           NA
## [471] 4.880832e-02 4.531972e-02 4.004007e-02 5.215889e-02 9.047410e-02
## [476] 7.178609e-02 5.468244e-02           NA           NA           NA
## [481] 6.538943e-02 6.408753e-02 6.434582e-02 3.160688e-02 2.666352e-02
## [486] 4.122013e-02 6.390286e-02 5.428073e-02 1.624595e-03 1.989999e-03
## [491] 2.260765e-03 1.117457e-03 1.180175e-03 1.876927e-03 3.071264e-03
## [496] 1.940769e-03 3.183999e-03 2.945491e-03 2.616616e-03 1.927731e-03
## [501] 2.450942e-03 6.329108e-04 4.377886e-04 6.118925e-04 1.160730e-03
## [506] 4.618417e-04
BHDataScaled$crim[!BHDataScaled$crim %in% boxplot.stats(BHDataScaled$crim)$out]
##   [1] 0.000000e+00 2.359225e-04 2.356977e-04 2.927957e-04 7.050701e-04
##   [6] 2.644715e-04 9.213230e-04 1.553672e-03 2.303251e-03 1.840173e-03
##  [11] 2.456674e-03 1.249299e-03 9.830293e-04 7.007315e-03 7.099481e-03
##  [16] 6.980677e-03 1.177488e-02 8.743184e-03 8.951232e-03 8.086782e-03
##  [21] 1.399878e-02 9.505689e-03 1.378163e-02 1.103868e-02 8.361706e-03
##  [26] 9.376432e-03 7.481071e-03 1.067159e-02 8.617186e-03 1.119626e-02
##  [31] 1.263900e-02 1.515569e-02 1.552964e-02 1.287402e-02 1.805667e-02
##  [36] 6.502201e-04 1.024167e-03 8.297190e-04 1.896485e-03 2.395193e-04
##  [41] 3.065082e-04 1.361360e-03 1.519391e-03 1.720133e-03 1.307971e-03
##  [46] 1.855684e-03 2.046086e-03 2.505904e-03 2.782402e-03 2.399127e-03
##  [51] 9.262685e-04 4.164331e-04 5.314158e-04 4.888171e-04 8.182544e-05
##  [56] 7.631796e-05 1.599418e-04 8.991807e-05 1.664945e-03 1.089807e-03
##  [61] 1.607286e-03 1.858944e-03 1.168373e-03 1.350794e-03 1.482524e-04
##  [66] 3.317977e-04 4.211538e-04 5.796344e-04 1.452402e-03 1.369452e-03
##  [71] 9.209858e-04 1.713389e-03 9.589762e-04 2.125101e-03 8.164561e-04
##  [76] 9.980906e-04 1.070137e-03 9.076105e-04 5.635615e-04 8.716433e-04
##  [81] 3.912560e-04 4.304828e-04 3.402275e-04 3.280886e-04 4.975841e-04
##  [86] 5.735649e-04 5.120834e-04 7.327199e-04 5.651351e-04 5.248967e-04
##  [91] 4.554350e-04 3.709120e-04 4.013718e-04 2.521078e-04 4.116000e-04
##  [96] 1.300665e-03 1.221987e-03 1.287065e-03 8.491638e-04 7.000122e-04
## [101] 1.599867e-03 1.213894e-03 2.500172e-03 2.307410e-03 1.498035e-03
## [106] 1.419582e-03 1.853211e-03 1.403284e-03 1.367879e-03 2.892102e-03
## [111] 1.142072e-03 1.062382e-03 1.314715e-03 2.425540e-03 1.528495e-03
## [116] 1.854785e-03 1.407892e-03 1.625944e-03 1.396652e-03 1.556032e-03
## [121] 7.043957e-04 7.342934e-04 9.741499e-04 1.619200e-03 1.035969e-03
## [126] 1.828709e-03 4.282685e-03 2.841748e-03 3.586719e-03 9.834002e-03
## [131] 3.751157e-03 1.333732e-02 6.560984e-03 3.636062e-03 1.090088e-02
## [136] 6.198277e-03 3.555361e-03 3.889069e-03 2.736656e-03 6.049238e-03
## [141] 3.198611e-03 1.823449e-02 3.725677e-02 4.598275e-02 3.117257e-02
## [146] 2.667217e-02 2.415121e-02 2.655168e-02 2.612873e-02 3.065813e-02
## [151] 1.854875e-02 1.674724e-02 1.259145e-02 2.408523e-02 1.582030e-02
## [156] 3.966162e-02 2.742906e-02 1.368171e-02 1.502216e-02 1.594585e-02
## [161] 1.424235e-02 1.637678e-02 2.054010e-02 1.700238e-02 2.513255e-02
## [166] 3.279402e-02 2.252302e-02 2.016368e-02 2.578491e-02 2.746109e-02
## [171] 1.350007e-02 2.593664e-02 1.492865e-03 9.605498e-04 8.783872e-04
## [176] 6.779823e-04 7.182206e-04 5.387216e-04 6.755095e-04 5.786228e-04
## [181] 6.694400e-04 7.031593e-04 9.521200e-04 1.053840e-03 8.627639e-04
## [186] 6.086329e-04 5.586160e-04 8.140957e-04 1.342814e-03 8.697325e-04
## [191] 9.481861e-04 7.057445e-04 9.027774e-04 1.747783e-04 9.070485e-05
## [196] 8.418579e-05 3.797915e-04 4.534119e-04 3.524788e-04 2.830171e-04
## [201] 1.288076e-04 3.161744e-04 1.736543e-04 3.234803e-04 1.547715e-04
## [206] 1.462293e-03 2.510625e-03 2.761272e-03 1.456111e-03 4.826240e-03
## [211] 1.889853e-03 4.152641e-03 2.370128e-03 1.508376e-03 3.183437e-03
## [216] 2.154662e-03 4.414977e-04 7.172090e-04 1.173094e-03 1.213107e-03
## [221] 3.953810e-03 4.511527e-03 6.937629e-03 6.838045e-03 3.473198e-03
## [226] 5.851531e-03 4.224126e-03 4.564016e-03 3.280548e-03 4.894465e-03
## [231] 5.964715e-03 5.132524e-03 6.395086e-03 3.654608e-03 4.963365e-03
## [236] 3.643143e-03 5.780158e-03 5.681811e-03 8.555704e-04 9.688672e-04
## [241] 1.202317e-03 1.121728e-03 1.085536e-03 1.362821e-03 2.245254e-03
## [246] 2.079468e-03 3.748572e-03 2.138364e-03 1.776669e-03 2.072724e-03
## [251] 1.505903e-03 2.335285e-03 8.529853e-04 4.075761e-03 4.706087e-04
## [256] 3.277514e-04 1.018322e-04 6.802527e-03 7.386657e-03 7.309552e-03
## [261] 5.999671e-03 5.932345e-03 5.775213e-03 9.204688e-03 6.111619e-03
## [266] 8.489390e-03 8.760043e-03 6.429367e-03 6.004054e-03 9.478489e-04
## [271] 3.291451e-03 1.751042e-03 1.217041e-03 2.422842e-03 5.633367e-04
## [276] 1.008431e-03 1.105655e-03 6.176248e-04 8.256727e-04 2.293585e-03
## [281] 3.311233e-04 3.453978e-04 6.178495e-04 9.767350e-05 3.079694e-05
## [286] 5.215248e-05 1.498260e-04 3.640558e-04 4.448697e-04 4.119372e-04
## [291] 3.225811e-04 8.153321e-04 3.352820e-04 8.579308e-04 8.505126e-04
## [296] 1.382490e-03 5.327646e-04 1.514108e-03 6.557275e-04 5.540077e-04
## [301] 4.254249e-04 3.265150e-04 9.704408e-04 1.052941e-03 5.488374e-04
## [306] 5.447911e-04 7.722838e-04 4.833096e-04 5.469941e-03 3.856136e-03
## [311] 2.955112e-02 8.812983e-03 2.870297e-03 2.956731e-03 4.078684e-03
## [316] 2.778918e-03 3.506243e-03 2.685178e-03 4.447573e-03 5.273133e-03
## [321] 1.812748e-03 1.969993e-03 3.875694e-03 3.120157e-03 3.762734e-03
## [326] 2.085425e-03 3.339894e-03 2.638084e-03 6.726996e-04 6.847261e-04
## [331] 4.396994e-04 4.935378e-04 3.185348e-04 5.002817e-04 3.491069e-04
## [336] 3.741716e-04 3.141513e-04 2.707658e-04 3.005512e-04 5.468143e-04
## [341] 6.203223e-04 7.519399e-05 2.097339e-04 2.147918e-04 2.716650e-04
## [346] 2.788584e-04 6.215587e-04 1.391482e-04 9.767350e-05 2.548053e-04
## [351] 6.270661e-04 8.225256e-04 7.431729e-04 1.210522e-04 4.123868e-04
## [356] 1.127011e-03 1.008953e-01 4.319866e-02 5.839561e-02 4.782506e-02
## [361] 5.097905e-02 4.305412e-02 4.127127e-02 4.738761e-02 3.897903e-02
## [366] 5.113585e-02 4.148179e-02 5.498378e-02 6.365817e-02 7.342305e-02
## [371] 9.285086e-02 8.976251e-02 9.155256e-02 7.818185e-02 5.942157e-02
## [376] 9.709398e-02 9.790313e-02 6.592939e-02 8.616062e-02 8.314690e-02
## [381] 7.886118e-02 7.917399e-02 9.875027e-02 8.273350e-02 9.537846e-02
## [386] 7.235853e-02 6.265885e-02 6.361760e-02 7.060536e-02 8.451950e-02
## [391] 7.543452e-02 6.108607e-02 5.714125e-02 9.263551e-02 5.334446e-02
## [396] 5.240549e-02 9.210151e-02 8.706216e-02 7.637248e-02 5.401615e-02
## [401] 4.143863e-02 7.472866e-02 6.535729e-02 8.804103e-02 3.548707e-02
## [406] 4.235883e-02 4.963433e-02 4.880832e-02 4.531972e-02 4.004007e-02
## [411] 5.215889e-02 9.047410e-02 7.178609e-02 5.468244e-02 6.538943e-02
## [416] 6.408753e-02 6.434582e-02 3.160688e-02 2.666352e-02 4.122013e-02
## [421] 6.390286e-02 5.428073e-02 1.624595e-03 1.989999e-03 2.260765e-03
## [426] 1.117457e-03 1.180175e-03 1.876927e-03 3.071264e-03 1.940769e-03
## [431] 3.183999e-03 2.945491e-03 2.616616e-03 1.927731e-03 2.450942e-03
## [436] 6.329108e-04 4.377886e-04 6.118925e-04 1.160730e-03 4.618417e-04

Car Dataset

# Data Source: https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/car/
# Load the dataset and explore
data1 <- read.table(url("https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/car/car.data"), sep = ",")

names(data1) <- c("BuyingPrice", "Maintenance", "NumDoors", "NUmPersons", "BootSpace", "Safety", "Condition")

##   BuyingPrice Maintenance NumDoors NUmPersons BootSpace Safety Condition
## 1       vhigh       vhigh        2          2     small    low     unacc
## 2       vhigh       vhigh        2          2     small    med     unacc
## 3       vhigh       vhigh        2          2     small   high     unacc
## 4       vhigh       vhigh        2          2       med    low     unacc
## 5       vhigh       vhigh        2          2       med    med     unacc
## 6       vhigh       vhigh        2          2       med   high     unacc
## 'data.frame':    1728 obs. of  7 variables:
##  $ BuyingPrice: Factor w/ 4 levels "high","low","med",..: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ...
##  $ Maintenance: Factor w/ 4 levels "high","low","med",..: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ...
##  $ NumDoors   : Factor w/ 4 levels "2","3","4","5more": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ NUmPersons : Factor w/ 3 levels "2","4","more": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 ...
##  $ BootSpace  : Factor w/ 3 levels "big","med","small": 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 ...
##  $ Safety     : Factor w/ 3 levels "high","low","med": 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 ...
##  $ Condition  : Factor w/ 4 levels "acc","good","unacc",..: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
##  BuyingPrice Maintenance  NumDoors   NUmPersons BootSpace    Safety   
##  high :432   high :432   2    :432   2   :576   big  :576   high:576  
##  low  :432   low  :432   3    :432   4   :576   med  :576   low :576  
##  med  :432   med  :432   4    :432   more:576   small:576   med :576  
##  vhigh:432   vhigh:432   5more:432                                    
##  Condition   
##  acc  : 384  
##  good :  69  
##  unacc:1210  
##  vgood:  65
# Split into Train and Validation sets
# Training Set : Validation Set = 70 : 30 (random)
train <- sample(nrow(data1), 0.7*nrow(data1), replace = FALSE)
TrainSet <- data1[train,]
ValidSet <- data1[-train,]
##  BuyingPrice Maintenance  NumDoors   NUmPersons BootSpace    Safety   
##  high :298   high :303   2    :312   2   :407   big  :406   high:396  
##  low  :300   low  :302   3    :298   4   :409   med  :393   low :412  
##  med  :306   med  :312   4    :299   more:393   small:410   med :401  
##  vhigh:305   vhigh:292   5more:300                                    
##  Condition  
##  acc  :260  
##  good : 46  
##  unacc:856  
##  vgood: 47
##  BuyingPrice Maintenance  NumDoors   NUmPersons BootSpace    Safety   
##  high :134   high :129   2    :120   2   :169   big  :170   high:180  
##  low  :132   low  :130   3    :134   4   :167   med  :183   low :164  
##  med  :126   med  :120   4    :133   more:183   small:166   med :175  
##  vhigh:127   vhigh:140   5more:132                                    
##  Condition  
##  acc  :124  
##  good : 23  
##  unacc:354  
##  vgood: 18
##  BuyingPrice Maintenance  NumDoors   NUmPersons BootSpace    Safety   
##  high :298   high :303   2    :312   2   :407   big  :406   high:396  
##  low  :300   low  :302   3    :298   4   :409   med  :393   low :412  
##  med  :306   med  :312   4    :299   more:393   small:410   med :401  
##  vhigh:305   vhigh:292   5more:300                                    
##  Condition  
##  acc  :260  
##  good : 46  
##  unacc:856  
##  vgood: 47
##  BuyingPrice Maintenance  NumDoors   NUmPersons BootSpace    Safety   
##  high :134   high :129   2    :120   2   :169   big  :170   high:180  
##  low  :132   low  :130   3    :134   4   :167   med  :183   low :164  
##  med  :126   med  :120   4    :133   more:183   small:166   med :175  
##  vhigh:127   vhigh:140   5more:132                                    
##  Condition  
##  acc  :124  
##  good : 23  
##  unacc:354  
##  vgood: 18
# Create a Random Forest model with default parameters
model1 <- randomForest(Condition ~ ., data = TrainSet, importance = TRUE)
## Call:
##  randomForest(formula = Condition ~ ., data = TrainSet, importance = TRUE) 
##                Type of random forest: classification
##                      Number of trees: 500
## No. of variables tried at each split: 2
##         OOB estimate of  error rate: 3.64%
## Confusion matrix:
##       acc good unacc vgood class.error
## acc   255    2     2     1  0.01923077
## good    7   35     0     4  0.23913043
## unacc  20    2   834     0  0.02570093
## vgood   6    0     0    41  0.12765957
# Fine tuning parameters of Random Forest model
model2 <- randomForest(Condition ~ ., data = TrainSet, ntree = 500, mtry = 6, importance = TRUE)
## Call:
##  randomForest(formula = Condition ~ ., data = TrainSet, ntree = 500,      mtry = 6, importance = TRUE) 
##                Type of random forest: classification
##                      Number of trees: 500
## No. of variables tried at each split: 6
##         OOB estimate of  error rate: 2.32%
## Confusion matrix:
##       acc good unacc vgood class.error
## acc   248    6     5     1  0.04615385
## good    4   42     0     0  0.08695652
## unacc   8    2   846     0  0.01168224
## vgood   2    0     0    45  0.04255319
# Predicting on train set
predTrain <- predict(model2, TrainSet, type = "class")
# Checking classification accuracy
table(predTrain, TrainSet$Condition)  
## predTrain acc good unacc vgood
##     acc   260    0     0     0
##     good    0   46     0     0
##     unacc   0    0   856     0
##     vgood   0    0     0    47
# Predicting on Validation set
predValid <- predict(model2, ValidSet, type = "class")
# Checking classification accuracy
mean(predValid == ValidSet$Condition)                    
## [1] 0.9845857
## predValid acc good unacc vgood
##     acc   120    1     2     1
##     good    1   22     0     0
##     unacc   3    0   352     0
##     vgood   0    0     0    17
# To check important variables
##                   acc     good     unacc     vgood MeanDecreaseAccuracy
## BuyingPrice 144.13929 75.96633 111.10092  80.70126             200.4809
## Maintenance 134.88327 69.62648 104.31162  50.07345             182.8435
## NumDoors     32.35052 17.55486  47.57988  20.17438              57.3249
## NUmPersons  150.37837 50.89904 186.53684  57.04931             237.0746
## BootSpace    85.05941 55.85293  83.13938  63.39719             144.7800
## Safety      176.85992 82.14649 201.91053 110.32306             277.8490
##             MeanDecreaseGini
## BuyingPrice         68.49384
## Maintenance         91.02632
## NumDoors            33.93850
## NUmPersons         122.51556
## BootSpace           75.31990
## Safety             151.59471

# Using For loop to identify the right mtry for model
for (i in 3:8) {
  model3 <- randomForest(Condition ~ ., data = TrainSet, ntree = 500, mtry = i, importance = TRUE)
  predValid <- predict(model3, ValidSet, type = "class")
  a[i-2] = mean(predValid == ValidSet$Condition)
## Warning in randomForest.default(m, y, ...): invalid mtry: reset to within valid
## range

## Warning in randomForest.default(m, y, ...): invalid mtry: reset to within valid
## range
## [1] 0.9730250 0.9788054 0.9749518 0.9826590 0.9826590 0.9807322

## Carregando pacotes exigidos: lattice
## Carregando pacotes exigidos: ggplot2
## Attaching package: 'ggplot2'
## The following object is masked from 'package:randomForest':
##     margin

# We will compare model 1 of Random Forest with Decision Tree model
model_dt = train(Condition ~ ., data = TrainSet, method = "rpart")
model_dt_1 = predict(model_dt, data = TrainSet)
table(model_dt_1, TrainSet$Condition)
## model_dt_1 acc good unacc vgood
##      acc   202   38    75    47
##      good    0    0     0     0
##      unacc  58    8   781     0
##      vgood   0    0     0     0
mean(model_dt_1 == TrainSet$Condition)
## [1] 0.8130687
# Running on Validation Set
model_dt_vs = predict(model_dt, newdata = ValidSet)
table(model_dt_vs, ValidSet$Condition)
## model_dt_vs acc good unacc vgood
##       acc   101   22    41    18
##       good    0    0     0     0
##       unacc  23    1   313     0
##       vgood   0    0     0     0
mean(model_dt_vs == ValidSet$Condition)
## [1] 0.7976879
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