PostgreSQL in Ubuntu...under construction ;)

# 1) Super user sudo su # 2) Looking for postgresql versions apt-cache search postgresql-9.* # 3) Installing on Ubuntu # 3.1) Create the file repository configuration: sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list' # 3.2) Import the repository signing key: wget --quiet -O - https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | sudo apt-key add - # 3.3) Update the package lists: sudo apt-get update # 3.4) Install the latest version of PostgreSQL.

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Joining data with dplyr

1) Introduction What about knowing more about some important concepts around manipulating data sets? We definitely know how it is tough working in the real problems world, a lot of information sprawled in many databases. With the knowledge shared below you’ll probably find a solution that fits in your day-a-day as data scientists. Enjoy my folks! 2) Datasets parts <- readRDS('C://Users//andre//OneDrive//Documentos//Private//Salerno//Pessoal//Cursos//datacamp//dplyr//parts.rds') parts_categories <- readRDS('C://Users//andre//OneDrive//Documentos//Private//Salerno//Pessoal//Cursos//datacamp//dplyr//part_categories.rds') inventories <- readRDS('C://Users//andre//OneDrive//Documentos//Private//Salerno//Pessoal//Cursos//datacamp//dplyr//inventories.rds') inventory_parts <- readRDS('C://Users//andre//OneDrive//Documentos//Private//Salerno//Pessoal//Cursos//datacamp//dplyr//inventory_parts.rds') sets <- readRDS('C://Users//andre//OneDrive//Documentos//Private//Salerno//Pessoal//Cursos//datacamp//dplyr//sets.

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