
A Game of Chance

"""Simulating the dice game Craps""" ## 'Simulating the dice game Craps' import random def roll_dice(): """Roll two dice and return their face values as a tuple.""" die1 = random.randrange(1,7) die2 = random.randrange(1,7) return (die1, die2) def display_dice(dice): """Display one roll of the two dice.""" die1, die2 = dice print(f'Player rolled {die1} + {die2} = {sum(dice)}') die_values = roll_dice() #first roll display_dice(die_values) # determine game status and point, based on first roll.

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1. Defining functions def square(number): print("The square of", number, "is", number ** 2) square(7) ## The square of 7 is 49 2. Functions with multiple parameters def maximum(value1, value2, value3): max_value = value1 if value2 > max_value: max_value = value2 if value3 > max_value: max_value = value3 return max_value maximum(12, 27, 36) ## 36 maximum('yellow', 'red', 'orange') ## 'yellow' 3. Random-Number Generation import random random.seed(10) for roll in range(10): print(random.

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Binary Search Algorithm

def binary_search(lista, item): low = 0 # low and high are part of the list thar you are searching for high = len(lista) - 1 while low <= high: #while you are not achieving one unique element middle = (low + high) // 2 # checking the central element guess = lista[middle] if guess == item: return middle if guess > item: # the guess are too high high = middle - 1 else: # the guess are too low low = middle + 1 return None my_list = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] print(binary_search(my_list, 3)) ## 1 print(binary_search(my_list, -1)) ## None

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Quicksort Algorithm

def quicksort(array): if len(array) < 2: return array else: pivo = array[0] # caso recursivo menores = [i for i in array [1:] if i <= pivo] # subarray de todos os elementos menores do que o pivo maiores = [i for i in array[1:] if i > pivo] # subarray de todos os elementos maiores do que o pivo return quicksort(menores) + [pivo] + quicksort(maiores) print(quicksort([10, 5, 2, 3])) ## [2, 3, 5, 10]

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I’m a linked post in the menu. You can add other posts by adding the following line to the frontmatter: menu = "main" Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In mauris nulla, vestibulum vel auctor sed, posuere eu lorem. Aliquam consequat augue ut accumsan mollis. Suspendisse malesuada sodales tincidunt. Vivamus sed erat ac augue bibendum porta sed id ipsum. Ut mollis mauris eget ligula sagittis cursus. Aliquam id pharetra tellus.

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